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Fresh Baobab Fruit
Fact is: Baobab is high in fiber, which may improve digestive health and prevent conditions like constipation, intestinal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease and hemorrhoids.
baobab oil
Fact is: Baobab oil can be used for; Oil cleansing, Massaging, Rejuvenation of skin cells, Restoration of collagen, Glossy hair, Insulation and Anti-inflammation.
Moringa oil
Fun fact is: The moringa plant is also known as a “miracle tree” for its many uses and possible health benefits. It was found that moringa oil can reduce premature aging, help manage diabetes, and prevent heart disease.
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Fun Fact about Moringa Medication:
- x25 more Iron than spinach
- x17 more calcium than milk
- x0.75 vitamin C in oranges
- x4 more protein than eggs
- x15 more potassium than bananas
- x10 more vitamin A than carrots
The different types of Moringa tea:
- Moringa Original Tea
- Moringa Mint Relax Tea
- Moringa Digestive Tea
- Moringa Green Tea
- Moringa Ginger Tea
- Healthy Heart Tea
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